ponedeljek, 16. april 2018

Namig no. 10

Pozdravljeni v novem namigu tedna. Današnji namig vam razkriva kakšne vrste tekača oziroma športnika si. Na različnih prireditvah najdemo različne vrste udeležencev. Razlika je v hitrosti in odnosu. Preberi in morda se najdeš notri.

Elite – kot že samo ime pove, to so elitni tekači, ki ponavadi zasedajo stopničke na različnih prireditvah. Ponavadi so sponzorirani iz strani klubov ali izdelovalcev športne opreme, saj jim to prinaša ali dobiček ali opremo za tekmovanja in treninge. Imajo za seboj karavano ljudi, ki jim svetujejo in jih vodijo v njihovih športnih poteh. Elitnih tekačev je najmanj in zaradi tega so smetana na vrhu torte. Oni so tudi razlog, da ostali kupujejo izdelke, ki jih uporabljajo.

Egotripi – večina teh tekačev je kar dobro pripravljenih in tudi zasedajo stopničke na tekmah. A so malce slabši kot elitni tekači. Imajo pa še eno slabo lastnost; to je njihov ego. Ko zmagujejo, jim zrastejo krila in se počutijo nadljudje, a ko pa so malce slabši, pa se izgovarjajo na sto in en problem. Prepoznamo jih po tem, da so oblečeni v najnovejša oblačila in imajo najboljšo opremo. So dobri na tekmah, a jim je na poti njihov ego, ki jih tudi omejuje. Pred startom se prerivajo v ospredje, po poku startne pištole pa se zaženejo, kot da bi bilo tekme konec čez 200 m. In ne sprašujte jih o kakem nasvetu o čemerkoli. Ne bodo povedali, saj so to njihove skrivnosti.

Rakete – ti tekači spadajo v širšo skupino navadnih rekreativcev, a so malce boljši. Na vaških tekmah zasedajo stopničke, a na bolj uveljavljenih prireditvah pa morda pridejo med prvo deseterico. V nasprotju z egotripi, njihove skrivnosti radi delijo in tudi pomagajo slabšim. Te je težko prepoznati pred tekmo, saj se zlijejo med množico, imajo navadno opremo in oblačila, a po startu se poženejo naprej, začnejo po pameti in stopnjujejo tempo.

Rekreativci – to je najširša skupina ljudi. Cela množica jih je na vseh prireditvah. O teh ni kaj dosti povedati, saj sem spadajo (spadamo) večina vsi. Uporabljajo različne kose oblačil in opreme od različnih proizvajalcev. Pred startom skačejo, se raztegujejo, se fotkajo, smejijo, so zaskrbljeni in še kaj bi se našlo. Vsi bi bili radi rakete ali eltini tekači, a obenem vemo, da do tega ne bo prišlo.

Old skul fotri – posebna kategorija rekreativcev so stari fotri oziroma jih imenujejo tudi korenine. Njihova leta so šteta v več desetletjih, njihove izkušnje pa tudi v stoletjih. Nekateri med njimi so tekmovali na vseh mogočih prireditvah, ko smo mi še veselo plavali v jajčkih. Nekateri iz med njih uporabljajo opremo in oblačila še iz prejšnjega tisočletja, nekateri pa so že posodobljeni, a skupno jim je, da so prekleto dobri in da jim tudi mladi zavidajo njihovo vzdržljivost.

Polžki – počasi se premikamo proti koncu karavane. Medtem, ko so elitni tekači že dolgo naprej, ko so rakete še malce za njimi in ko navadni rekreativci veselo skakljajo naprej, se polžki premaknejo mimo startne črte. Nočejo, ne zmorejo ali ne znajo iti hitro, polžki vsako ravnino rahlo tečejo, za gor ali dol pa hodijo. Časovni limiti so njihova stalna spremljevalka. Če ne drugega, delajo najboljše fotografije, saj zaradi njihove hitrosti vidijo največ okolice in razgledov.

To je to za namig tega tedna. Upam, da ti je bilo všeč branje. Se vidimo naslednji teden v naslednjem namigu.

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Hello in this weeks clue. This week i'll let you know, what kind of racer or a runner are you. There are many different types of racers that you come across different events. Difference is in speed of movement and their attitude.

Elite racers - like the names tells you, those are elite racers, that usually takes places at the top of the race. Normally they are sponsored by equipment manufacturers or clubs. Well that gives them or money or equipment  for races and training. They have a crew behind them which they give them guidance and plans in their paths. Elite racer are the lowest in races and they are creme de la creme. They are also the reason that rest of the world buys the equipment and use it.

Duche bags - most of them are good racers and also are at the top of the race. But they are little worse then elite. But they have another bad character - that is their ego. When trey are winning, they are above all and are some kind of superhumans, but when they loose, they have complains for a reason or two. They are recognized by the appearance to have the newest chlotes and equipment. They are good on races, but their ego is in the way, which is a huge limitation. They intrude in the front before the beginning and after the bang from the starter pistol, they are off. Don't ask them for an advice. They won't tell, because that are their secrets.

Rockets - those kind of racers are among the big bunch of normal recreational racers, but they are a bit better. On non known races are at the top, but on the well known races are among the top ten. In despite the duche bags, their secrets are for the people and tend to help the slower then them. They are hard to recognize them before the start, because they blend in the crowd, have normal equipment, but at the bang of the pistol, they are off, starts slow and then progressing faster.

Recreational - this is the far majority crowd on the races. It isn't to tell much about them, because here are the most of us. They use different peaces of chlotes and equipment from different manufacturers. Before the start, the run around, takes selfies and pictures, laughing, they are worried and some more of that. All of them wont to be an elite or rocket, but we know that isn't possible.

Old skull - this special group of peoples are old fathers. Their ages are counted in decades, but their experience in millennium. Some of them were on the all sort of races, while we all swim in our fathers eggs. Some of them still uses the same equipment from the last millennium and some of them are more new. What they have in common is that they are still fast and most of the young racers are jealous of them.

Snails - slowly we move to the back of the pack. While the elite are long gone and the rockets are a few steps behind them, when the recreationals are moving along, the slowly snails are crossing the starting line. They won't, can't or the couldn't the snails don't run fast. Every plains they run slowly, uphill and downhill they walk. Time limits are their constant companion. But they do the best looking pictures, because the of their velocity they see the more of the landscape and views.

That is all for this week. Hope that you like it. We will be back together next week in next clue.

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